Thursday, September 21, 2017

Anatomy of a Typeface

The Project

If you aren't in e9 Graphic Design, then you're probably wondering why there are random words targeting specific letters of my name. Well, to rid your confusion, I'll explain the meaning behind these random words and the reasoning as to why they are placed in specific areas. But, before I do, let me explain this project. A few days ago, Mr. Olson taught us that typeface has anatomy. To further guide us, we were assigned this project where we would write out either our first or full name and point out the forms of any letter we desire within our name.

What I Learned

I was pretty appalled when I learned that there were actual words within the English language that would describe the composition of a letter. For example, s is the only letter in the alphabet that has what is known as a spine, aka the squiggly part. And the curvy part of an a? That's a bowl. Letters are just like us in the way that, if combined together, helps us communicate our thoughts, emotions, and has distinct parts that work together to form a whole "body".

How It Went

Shockingly enough, this project went insanely well for me. Of course there were mistakes I made here and there, but nothing that couldn't be easily fixed. It took a decent amount of time to make, and the outcome doesn't look to shabby. Though, if Mr. Olson didn't post the video about this project and how to go through with it, I don't think I would've been able to take the W. Also, I'm getting more accustomed to Adobe Illustrator; our relationship has been promoted from enemies to frenemies. So all in all, I give this project a strong 8.7/10.

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