Friday, December 15, 2017

Making A Website

Process and Overview

The process of making a website is very time consuming and takes a lot of patience.  First, make sure that all your documents and projects are in the correct files to make the future a bit more of a breeze. Then, wack open the program Dreamweaver and have at it! Insert your elevator pitch to wow the crowd, add in a picture that complements the vibes and aura of your pitch and general theme of the website, add in all of your projects, then, if you desire, change the font sizes and types and colors. Make sure that your links work, and you're done!

What I Learned

 I learned how important it is to follow each and every step and that it must be executed correctly. If there is even the slightest mistake, then your aesthetic and flow for your website will be in shambles. So, take your time, and have some fun with it! Try to make your website radiate the essence of you, but don't make it to informal to the point where your site looks like a website 9 year olds play online Barbie dating games. Make sure that it's appealing to all generations, and most importantly, you!

My General Response

Before I get into my response to this final, I would like to get something off my chest; My computer hates me. It feels as if it take a million years just so my Mac cooperates with me and does what I want. Believe it or not, it's kind of difficult to compromise with an intimate object. All of that aside though, I'm beyond thrilled that I know how to make my own website! Mr. Olson's video was very informative and definitely helped me along the way. Well, until next time!