Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My Personality Type

My Personality Type 

I think the personality type I was assigned is near perfect. I for sure believe that I get my energy through social interactions, rather than munching on chips alone on my spine breaking couch. And, even though I do think many things through, I am way more of an intuitive person than one who believes that every little thing in life has to be planned out and has a specific reason for existing. Also, I trust my gut feeling more than I do anything else. Oh, and I definitely am not a judgmental person 24/7. I perceive before coming up with my final thoughts about something someone. 
I do think that my personality description helps me grasp onto a better understanding about why I do specific things or feel more than others do, and get a rush when I get to hang out with my friends. Knowing that I'm an ENFP also makes the specific occupations I gravitate to so much clearer. There are so many things I'd love to do n the future, like being a professor, singer, actress, author, traveler, and so much more. I also lean towards jobs where I can constantly be around people and be an adventurer. Thinking about me working a desk job and barely talking sounds like torture. 
I feel that when I'm assigned a role that matches up up with my personality type I work waaaay better. Of course, being an ENFP means that I can adapt to anything (which is true), but I still associate with leader type roles over one where I have to constantly be the quiet and take on every little task I believe won't benefit my team. I fancy being able to lead, but also listening to what each and every member thinks and would like to do. 
There are many people in the world that low-key make me want to ram my head into a wall constantly because I just don't agree with the way they function or our interactions are too negative/cringey for me to handle. Like introverted people whodunit even TRY to communicate their thoughts to you, or contribute anything at all. I mean, I understand that they're introverted and that's why they probably don't try as much, but it still hurts my soul. Oh, I ESPECIALLY despise very "sophisticated" people that act like their 1023919409374023947 ranks above you on the little social caste they created in their head. Also, people that need each and every little thing to be planned out, are afraid of change, and/or never listen. All these kinds of people rustle my jimmies. 
To be honest, I didn't learn tooo much because I knew my personality type prior to taking the test again in class. But, taking the test for the bajillionth time does reaffirm my constantly energetic mood and vibes that I radiate off.  

FUN FACT: I have the same personality type as Walt Disney, Dr. Suess, and Robin Williams! :)

Lion/Otter/Beaver/Golden Retriever

My results for the Lion/Otter/Beaver/Golden Retriever exercise weren't really surprising. Turns out that I am 50% Lion and 50% Otter, which is pretty cool in its own way. Guess you could say that I'm a Lotter! Though I'm not surprised with my outcome, I am pleased with it. I certainly do love leading like a lion, and being a happy-go-lucky figure like an otter.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

How to Print Project

How to Print Project

The creative process for this project was rather quick. Me and Jaden quickly decided who would be the cameraman and the muse. Figuring out the script and storyboarding were also quick processes. As the muse, I didn't really do much aside from doing what I was directed to do.
Though I was pleased with the overall result, there's a lot about the process that I would change. For starters, I now would want to shoot the video in the library rather than the e9 room because the lighting in the later room is kind of iffy (especially because of the yellow tinted light source in the back of the class) and because the environment of the library has much more colors and an overall refreshing feel. Another thing I would change is the perspective of our shots, which I feel lacked much creativity and was just boring in general. Along with that, I would like to get more focused shots of myself, because in some scenes the focal point wasn't actually me (i.e the scene where I'm on the very left and Jaidyn in the the right and closer to the camera and not as blurred out as me. Though our camera work was poor and wobbly at times, I'm giving me and Jaden a slide because our tripod wasn't cooperating with us. Though there were many faults within this piece, there were many aspects that I liked. For instance, me and Jaden were in a room where we had to fight against the light sources so that at least most scenes would have the same tint of color. Also, we got our story across.
Some experiences that I would draw from to enhance my next project is the whole editing process and shooting process. Through these procedures, I learned what to do to make future shots more stable and smooth, how to battle unkind light sources, how to edit out some errors, how to add more flavor to certain shots, and how to tell your story through perspective. Overall, I thought that this project was very informative and fun! I learned a lot and can't wait to make my future projects even better!